Band-Backed Wren
Band Backed Wren - Large, noisy wren, usually found in groups at middle to high levels in trees. Favors taller forest, from pine-oak woods in mountains down to evergreen forests in foothills; also gardens and orchards. Clambers along branches and pokes into bromeliads, sometimes in mixed-species feeding flocks with orioles and woodcreepers. Plumage is distinctive, with rusty belly, boldly spotted breast, and boldly banded back. Juveniles (seen in summer) are much duller and plainer.
BELIZE HABITAT - Forages among bromeliads in large trees within broadleaf forest and forest edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to locally fairly common, but somewhat nomadic, resident away from coast north to north Cayo and southwest Belize. One recorded from Lamanai Orange Walk and possibly from near Belize City. |
Plain Wren
Plain Wren - Small, skulking wren of foothills and lowlands in southern Mexico and Central America. Found in forest edges, second-growth thickets, and brushy fields with cane grass. Heard more often than seen: song relatively short with bright phrases usually repeated a few times in quick succession. Note the bold white eyebrow, whitish breast, rich buffy flanks, and bright rusty tail barred black. Formerly known as Plain Wren.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within sub-montane pine forest; locally, broadleaf forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon and local resident to Mountain Pine Ridge; also recorded in hills northwest of San Ignacio in north west Cayo. |
Spot-Breasted Wren
Spot Breasted Wren - Small, skulking wren of vine tangles and thickets in tropical lowlands. Like most wrens, heard far more often than seen. Rollicking, ‘happy,’ whistled song is a duet between male and female, keeping them in touch with each other. Rising call note sounds like a finger run along a comb. Plumage is rich rusty brown overall, with white eyebrow and dense black spotting on whitish breast.
BELIZE HABITAT - Forest edge, second growth scrub, roadside tangles, vines; also forest interior, but to a lesser extent than White-Breasted Wood Wren. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Common resident on the mainland. |
Carolina (White-Browed)
Carolina (White Browed) Wren
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within low, semi-deciduous and deciduous forest and forest edge; also locally in streamside trees and brush within savannas. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Resident in three widely separated areas; southwest Orange Walk, east Orange Walk near Lamanai, and west Cayo. Reports from elsewhere are not documented. |
House Wren
House Wren - At home in suburbs, parks, rural farmland, and other open areas with thick tangles. In the breeding season, it is often singing its effervescent song from the top of a bush or fence post. Plumage doesn't show much contrast: plain brown overall, slightly paler below, with some dark barring on the wings and tail. Lacks white eyebrow. In winter they are more secretive, preferring brushy tangles, thickets, and hedgerows.
BELIZE HABITAT - Towns and villages, orchards, open country with scattered trees and brush; less commonly in open pine forest and savanna. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Locally common resident on mainland. |
White-Bellied Wren
White Bellied Wren - Small stub-tailed wren of tropical woodland, commonest in drier areas, uncommon and local in humid areas. Often more visible than other small forest wrens, clambering at mid-levels in open understory. Note the ‘blank’ whitish face and broad whitish eyebrow, along with a fairly short tail that is often held cocked. Song is short pleasant warble, tiddle-ee or tiddle-ee-oo, simpler than songs of most wrens.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within broadleaf forest, forest edge, and second growth scrub. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Common resident south to central Belize and west of Maya Mountains to south Cayo. Reports from east of Maya Mountains are unconfirmed. |
Nightingale Wren
Nightingale Wren - Small, dark brown wren of humid evergreen forest in tropical lowlands and foothills; most often detected by its distinctive song. Usually stays low, on or near the forest floor in shady understory, and is difficult to see well. Note the small size, long bill, overall plain plumage, and stubby tail.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within foothill and montane broadleaf forest interior. Where can you find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident in Maya Mountains, and karst limestone hills in interior Toledo and Stann Creeek, east and sotuh Cayo, and possibly southwest Belize. |
Long-Billed Gnatwren
Long Billed Gnatwren - Very small bird of humid tropical forest and edge. Favors vine tangles at mid-upper levels, where moves actively, holding its tail cocked and flopping it from side to side. Appearance is distinctive, with buffy face, very long thin bill, and fairly long tail with white tips. Similar to Chattering Gnatwren but lacks the extra white spots on outer tail feathers. Easily overlooked, but rising and falling trilled song reveals its presence.
BELIZE HABITAT - Vines and tangles at forest edge; second growth scrub. Where can you find this bird in Belize? Fairly common to common resident on mainland. |
Sedge Wren
Sedge Wren - Tiny, bubbly, buffy-colored wren of grassy areas that are often wet. Brighter cinnamon wash on flanks. Compared to similar Marsh Wren, note head pattern: sedge has streaky crown and much less obvious pale eyebrow. Sedge also has barred wings and lacks plain dark brown shoulder patch. Also note habitat differences: prefers damp weedy fields and meadows, not cattail marshes. Generally secretive, but perches up when singing. Like most wrens, small size contrasts with large voice: one or two introductory notes followed by a loud, sharp, metallic trill of varying speed.
BELIZE HABITAT - Seasonally flooded lowland savannas and well drained hillside meadows. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Common resident in northeast Toledo and southeast Stann Creek, and fairly common but local resident at higher elevations in Mountain Pine Ridge. The ssp. russelli is endemic to Belize. |
White-Breasted Wood Wren
White Breasted Wood Wren - Very small, stub-tailed wren of humid tropical lowland forest. Favors forest understory, where usually found near or on the ground. Heard far more often than seen, and is notably elusive, even in fairly open understory. Common call is a metallic “peenk”; rather froglike and difficult to trace. Varied whistled songs rather short, usually introduced with a quiet whistled hiss. Note the boldly striped face, white bib, rich dark brown upperparts, and short tail. Gray-breasted Wood-Wren occurs in highlands.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within broadleaf forest interior and forest edge. More often in forest interior and less often in second growth scrub than Spot Breasted Wren. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon north east to common resident on mainland. |