Violaceous Trogon
Violaceous Trogon
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy in broadleaf and, to a lesser extent, pine forest, forest edge and broken forest with scrub. More likely than Black-headed to be in forest interior, less likely to be near urban areas. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common to common resident on mainland. |
Collard Trogon
Collared Trogon - Relatively small, red-bellied trogon of humid forest in tropical lowlands and foothills. Perches at all levels inside forest, less often at edges. Male’s tail is dark below with narrow white barring; female’s tail is pale grayish below with narrow black-and-white bars at the tips. In most areas, the only other red-bellied trogon in the same habitat is the larger and distinctive-looking Slaty-tailed Trogon.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy in primary broadleaf forest and forest edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident in most of Toledo, and in west Stann Creedk north to north Cayo; also in west Orange Walk and locally in east Orange Walk (New River). |
Black-Headed Trogon
Black-Headed Trogon - Handsome, medium-size, yellow-bellied trogon of tropical lowlands. Occurs in forest, but also in hedgerows, semi-open areas with taller trees, mangroves; not as tied to forest as is smaller Gartered Trogon. Perches at mid-upper levels, at times with several birds in a small area. Both male and female have a complete blue-gray eye-ring, and the underside of the tail is marked with big blocks of white. Digs its nests in arboreal termite nests.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy in broadleaf and, to a lesser extend, pine forest, forest edge, and broken forest with scrub; seldom found in extensive tracts of primary forest. Most likely trogon in open, patch forest and scrub, urban edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Common resident on mainland; un-common resident on Ambergris Caye; occasionally in winter on Caye Caulker. |
Slaty-Tailed Trogon
Slaty Tailed Trogon - Large, red-bellied trogon of humid tropical lowlands. Favors rainforest interior, but also found at edges and around clearings, mainly perched quietly and in an upright position at middle to upper levels in larger trees. Lack of white band above the red belly and entirely dark gray undertail (or with a few fine white bars at the sides on immatures) separate Slaty-tailed from other red-bellied trogons. On males also note the stout orange bill and orange eyering. Digs its nest in arboreal termite nests.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy in primary broadleaf forest and forest edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common to common resident north to northeast Stann Creek and north central Cayo; also in west and central Orange Walk. |
Rufous-Tailed Jacamar
Rufous Tailed Jacamar - Handsome, slender, green-and-rusty bird of humid tropical lowlands. Lives in evergreen forest, often at edges and around adjacent clearings. Perches upright at mid-heights on vines or other exposed perches and sallies out for flying insects, especially butterflies, dragonflies, and wasps. Note the very long, slender black bill (like a giant hummingbird). Throat is white on male and buffy on female. Loud shrieking calls may draw attention.
BELIZE HABITAT - Low to mid-strata in broadleaf forest interior and edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident on mainland away from coast north to north east Orange Walk. |
Keel-Billed Motmot
Keel Billed Motmot - Medium-sized forest-dweller that likes to sit motionless. Mostly dull green, slightly buffier below, with black mask and breast spot. Orange forehead and blue eyebrow and chin are distinctive. Most similar to larger Lesson’s Motmot; note smaller size and face pattern. Often found singly or in pairs inside forest, usually below canopy. Never common; quite inconspicuous and can be difficult to find within its limited range. Call very similar to Broad-billed Motmot.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy; primary moist tropical broadleaf forest interior with an abundance of lianas. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident in Maya Mountains, in Vaca Plateau Cayon, and Tapir Mountains. Nature Reserve north central Cayo. Belize is one of the last outposts where this species is relatively common. |
Blue Crowned Motmot
Blue Crowned Motmot - Large motmot of humid forest and edge in tropical lowlands and foothills of northeast Mexico. Perches at all levels, usually in shady areas. Crown solidly blue, rather than blue with a big black central patch as on Lesson’s Motmot, which occurs to the south. The name "motmot" comes from the double-hooting call, which can sound like an owl, and is mainly uttered around dawn. Formerly known as Blue-crowned Motmot.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy in primary and secondary broadleaf forest interior; occasionally pine forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common to common resident on mainland. Much more often heard than seen. |
Tody Motmot
Tody Motmot - Small and infrequently seen bird of shady forest understory in humid tropical lowlands. Rather inactive. Sits quietly, mainly at low to middle levels, and occasionally wags its tail slowly. Usually not seen until flushed, when flies off with a low whirr of wings. Note the overall drab greenish plumage with a rusty cap and bushy whitish whisker marks. Much smaller than other motmots and lacks the racket tail tips of most larger motmot species.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy within primary broadleaf forest interior. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident on mainland in south and west Toledo, west Stann Creek, and south two-thirds of Cayo; also in west Orange Walk and locally in east Orange Walk. |
White-Necked Puffbird
White Necked Puffbird - Uncommon but striking; a rather chunky bird of humid forests in tropical lowlands. Usually seen as singles or pairs, perched quietly in forest canopy, often on a snag in the open. Note the heavy black bill, used to dispatch large insects such as cicadas, and bold black-and-white plumage with a broad, black breast band.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-strata to canopy along forest edge or in semi-open to pen country with scattered trees; sits motionless on exposed branches. Where do I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon resident on mainland in north; less common in south. |
White-Whiskered Puffbird
White Whiskered Puffbird - Plump brown bird of shady understories in humid evergreen forest of tropical lowlands. Found singly or in pairs, perched quietly at low to middle levels. Often sits still for long periods and is easily overlooked. Note the stout bill, reddish eyes, streaky underparts, bushy white whiskers, and finely dappled whitish to buffy upperparts.
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels within broadleaf forest interior and edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident on mainland away from coast north to north Cayo and south west Belize (possibly to central Belize); also in west and central Orange Walk. |