Black-Necked Stilt
Black Necked Stilt - Elegant shorebird with exceptionally long legs. Walks gracefully on bright pink chopsticks. Black above, white below. Thin, black bill longer than the head. Forages solo or in groups on mudflats and in water as deep as their legs are long.
BELIZE HABITAT - Rice fields, lagoons, estuaries, shrimp farms. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common to locally very common winter visitor, August to May; a few nest at Crooked Tree and locally elsewehere in north. Population has increased significantly in past 30 years, with proliferation of rice and shrimp farming. |
American Avocet
American Avocet - Distinctive large shorebird with a long, thin upturned bill and lean neck. Bold black-and-white wings prominent year-round. Adults in summer have buffy-orange wash on head. Frequents wetlands where it swings its head back-and-forth in shallow water to catch small invertebrates.
BELIZE HABITAT - Estuaries, shrimp farms. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Occasionally winter visitor, mostly near coast, early October to early April. |
American Osytercatcher
Large, bulky, black-and-white shorebird with thick red bill. Exclusively coastal; favors beaches where it feeds on shellfish and other invertebrates. Gathers in flocks in migration and winter. Listen for loud, series of high-pitched, drawn-out whistles.
BELIZE HABITAT - Coastal sandy beaches. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Regular and local winter visitor, mid-July to mid-April. Majority of records are from Dangriga; also recorded from Belize City and Caye Chapel. |