Singing Quail
Singing Quail - Small, retiring quail of forest understory. Rarely seen, but can be located by listening for noisy rustling in the leaf litter as birds scratch like chickens. Prefers to run away rather than flush. Loud song often reveals its presence, given mainly early and late in the day: first few notes similar to Little Tinamou song, but then breaks into rollicking choruses that can be almost deafening if close by. Male has rusty face and gray body, female colors reversed, with gray face and rusty body.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller; primary north semi-deciduous sub-tropical forest and second growth. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Seldom reported, but apparently a resident in west Cayo. Also reliably reported in west Orange Walk and north Ambergris Caye. Reports from Maya Mountains are undocumented. |
Black-Throated Bobwhite
Black Throated Bobwhite - Fairly common in brushy fields and coastal scrub of Yucatan Peninsula region, where 'bob-WHITE!' song sounds just like that of other bobwhites. Usually found in groups or pairs, sometimes not far from villages or other human habitation; best seen on quiet roads and trails. Like most quail, flushes explosively from close range with excited calling, and perches readily up in trees when flushed. The only quail of open habitats in most of its range; compare Singing Quail, which occurs inside tropical forest.
BELIZE HABITAT - Savannas and meadows; less common in secondary scrub bordering agricultural areas. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident on mainland in east half south to northeast Toledo; absent from east Corozal and northeast Belize. |
Spotted-Wood Quail
Spotted Wood Quail - Elusive dark quail found in the interior of humid tropical forest in lowlands and foothills. Forages stealthily in forest interior, usually in pairs or small groups, and usually runs rather than flies when disturbed. Sexes look alike, with erect crest, blackish throat, and white polka dots on breast. Sometimes in same areas as the much smaller Singing Quail, which is much more easily seen.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller within primary broad leaf forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common but seldom seen resident on mainland south and west of Corozal and Belize, primarily away from coast. |
Little Tinamou
Little Tinamou - Furtive, almost tailless small game bird that lives on the ground in humid tropical lowlands. Favors forest edge and dense secondary growth rather than forest interior. When disturbed runs rather than flies. Very rarely seen (sometimes crosses quiet roads or trails), but tremulous whistles are often heard, especially early and late in the day. Plumage is dark brownish overall with grayer head and whitish throat.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller within tall second-growth scrub and secondary forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident on mainland nearly throughout, scarce or absent in much of Corozal and at higher elevations. |
Thicket Tinamou
Thicket Tinamou - A furtive, ‘tail-less’ gamebird that lives on the ground in tropical woodland and forest. Rarely seen (sometimes crosses quiet roads or trails), but haunting whistled song is often heard, especially early and late in the day. Note distinct pale barring on upperparts and bright reddish legs. Birds in West Mexico are paler and grayer overall, those in East Mexico and Central America have a rusty-colored breast and belly.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller within semi-deciduous north broadeaf forest, second-growth scrub. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident in Corozal, Orange Walk, north Belize and Cayo west of Maya Mountains. Reports east of Maya Mountains, unsubstantiated. |
Slaty Breasted Tinamou
Slaty Breasted Tinamou - A furtive, almost tailless game bird that lives on the ground in humid tropical forest of lowlands and foothills. Rarely seen (sometimes crosses quiet roads or trails), but mournful drawn out song is often heard, especially early and late in the day. Plumage is dark overall with a grayish neck and breast; female has distinct barring on upperparts. Prefers humid forest, rather than drier habitats where Thicket Tinamou is found.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller within extensive tracts of broadleaf forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident in interior north to central Cayo, and in west and central Orange Walk. |
Great Tinamou
Great Tinamou - Large, almost tailless game bird that lives on the ground in humid tropical lowlands. Hunted for food and thus has been wiped out from many areas. Rarely seen, but haunting two-parted whistled song can be heard, especially early and late in the day and even at night. Sometimes flushes explosively from close range, crashing off through the forest understory. Plumage rather plain overall, warm brown above and grayish below, with grayish (not reddish) legs.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground dweller within primary and secondary broadleaf forest; less commonly in pine forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident on mainland nearly throughout, scarce or absent in much of Corozal. |