Piled-Billed Grebe
Pied Billed Grebe - Compact, small gray-brown body and a stubby bill. Shorter, rounder body than a duck. Plain brown plumage year-round; not as black as a coot. Breeding adults have white bill with black ring around it. Inhabits ponds and marshes with emergent vegetation. Dives to feed mostly on fish. Black eyes.
BELIZE HABITAT - Freshwater and brackish marshes, lagoons, lakes and ponds; occasionally inshore coastal waters (migrants), large rivers. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to locally fairly common winter visitor in lowlands on mainland, occasionally Ambergris Caye. A few remain through summer locally; breeds regularly at Crooked Tree Belize and occasionally elsewhere. |
Least Grebe
Least Grebe - This well named grebe is the smallest grebe and is very small for a waterbird. Medium-gray overall with pale fluffy sides. The face is dark in breeding plumage; lighter with white throat in nonbreeding plumage. Piercing yellow eye; thin, sharp bill. Widespread throughout Central and South America; very limited range in U.S. Found in marshy ponds, often with extensive vegetation. Found singly or in pairs. Frequently dives underwater.
BELIZE HABITAT - Fores-lined rivers, streams, swamps, and lagoons; freshwater marshes, small ponds. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Locally uncommon to fairly common resident on mainland. |
Subgrebe - Retiring, small swimming bird of tropical lowlands. It’s not a grebe and it doesn’t like the sun; instead it favors slow-moving shady streams, mangroves, quiet ponds, and lake edges. Swims with a slight head-jerking motion and flies off low over the water when disturbed or climbs up into low branches and tangles; does not dive. The striped head and neck and stout pointed bill are distinctive. The cheeks are white on the male and orangish on the female.
BELIZE HABITAT - Swamp forest, forest-lined streams. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon resident on mainland. |
Northern Jacana
Northern Jacana - Fancy-looking, vaguely chicken-like bird of freshwater marshes, lakes, and ponds in tropical lowlands, locally in highlands. Walks with high-stepping gait, often on top of floating vegetation (note its very long toes!). Adult is chestnut overall with black head and neck; immature looks very different, with creamy-white face, neck, and underparts. Bright yellow wings striking in flight, when birds usually give shrieks and other raucous calls. Flies with stiff wingbeats and glides, the long feet trailing out behind.
BELIZE HABITAT - Freshwater marshes, rice fields, shallow ponds. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Locally common resident on mainland. |