Buff-Throated Foliage Gleaner
Buff Throated Foliage Gleaner - Skulking and generally inconspicuous brown bird of humid tropical forest. Found as singles or pairs, clambering in vine tangles or other dense understory, at times in leaf litter on the forest floor; usually difficult to see clearly. Note the rich buffy throat, broad eyebrow, and the dark rusty tail on an otherwise dark brownish bird. Loud song is a repeated, churring rattle, given from middle level perches inside the forest.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory within primary and secondary broadleaf forest and forest edge. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident in interior north to north central Cayo and possibly south west Belize; also in much of west and central Orange Walk. |
Scaly-Throated Foliage Gleaner
Scaly Throated Foliage Gleaner - Rather active, arboreal bird of humid evergreen forest in foothills and highlands. Forages at all levels clambering along branches and amid mossy tangles and epiphytes, at times hanging upside down like a chickadee. Often in pairs or small groups; frequently joins mixed-species feeding flocks. Note the behavior, grayish head with rich buffy spectacles, and pale buff throat (scaly markings often hard to see).
BELIZE HABITAT - Mid-levels to sub-canopy within broadleaf forest interior. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Found only on Doyle's Delight Toledo/Cayo, Belize highest peak, where apparently fairly common. Discovered in Belize in August of 1995. |
Tawny-Throated Leaftosser
Tawny Throated Leaftosser - Dark, rusty-brown bird of shady forest floors in humid evergreen forest of tropical foothills and highlands; often near gullies and streambeds, where digs its nest burrow into earth banks. Feeds by tossing leaves on the forest floor. Mostly seen as it flushes, when it flies off with loud “skweek” calls. Note the long slender bill, rich rusty throat and breast, and dark rusty rump.
BELIZE HABITAT - Understory to sub-canopy within primary and secondary broadleaf forest, forest edge and high scrub. Frequents army ant swarms. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Fairly common resident on mainland. |
Scaly-Throated Leaftosser
Scaly Throated Leaftosser - Retiring inhabitant of humid tropical lowlands. Found singly, hopping on the ground in shady rainforest and tossing leaves with its bill, in search of insects and other morsels. Most often detected when disturbed or flushed, when it gives a sharp, whistled “skweek” call. Note the long and rather slender straight bill. Plumage is dark brown overall with paler mottling (not really scaling) on the throat and breast.
BELIZE HABITAT - Ground and understory within primary and secondary broadleaf forest. Where can I find this bird in Belize? Uncommon to fairly common resident below 2,600 feet away from coast north to north central Cayo, and probably southwest Belize; also in west Orange Walk and locally in east Orange Walk. |